Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mitzvot, Machines and Munitions

After taking the opportunity to do Tefillot on the beach, we began our day's touring with a mitzvah - by picking potatoes that go to underprivileged families. It was all part of an organization called Leket. The organization makes sure that people pick vegetables before they rot so they can be used for those in Israel who are in need. 

The morning continued at the science garden at the Weizmann Institute. There were many interesting machines which were interactive:  one created a mini tornado inside a tube when you twisted a handle fast enough,  another could create different sizes of bubbles, and a third had two connected swings that enabled one person to swing without trying.  

During the afternoon, we went to Machon Ayalon, outside of Tel Aviv, where there once was a bullet factory. It was used during the War of Independence to make ammunition and weapons. They had to do it in secret because the British did not want to be making more bullets and weapons. It was even a secret from the people who lived on the Kibbutz.  They had a washing machine and a bakery on the premises in order to cover the noise of the many loud ammunition machines. 

This evening we had a night out at the mall in Tel Aviv, where some people visited with family, and tomorrow we head south. 

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