Wednesday, April 30, 2014

News from the North

Yesterday we landed in Israel.  After leaving the airport we took a short ride to eat breakfast at a local park. We went to a goat farm near the Golan Heights in the north of Israel. There we could see three different borders of countries; Israel, Lebanon, Syria. We made salad and focaccia, and learned how to make cheese. We ate all of this delicious food for lunch. After we went to Kibbutz Nir David to swim in a natural pool, playing challenge activities and keeping cool in the hot weather. After that we finally went back to the hotel to end the day.

Today we went to the "mystical" city of Tzfat. We met with an artist that paints pictures inspired by the Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism). We toured around Tzfat and looked at the famous art there.  

Next we journeyed to Kibbutz Misgav Am (one of two most northern communities in Israel and one of the highest) where we saw borders of Syria and Lebanon. In my opinion the most interesting part of the day was being able to see the borders of the different countries.  At the Kibbutz we were 20 feet from the border of Lebanon.  And lastly - we went rafting in the Jordan River!

-Jacob Singer 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Nesi'ah Tovah!

At the end of the day on Friday, the whole school gathered to give a special send-off to Kitah Het.  (The students depart early on Monday morning.) Kitah Zayin students shared personalized letters that they wrote; Kitah Alef received kudos for the cards with tzedakah that they had given the 8th graders to bring to Israel; and each 8th grader received their own travel-size Siddur Sim Shalom.  

Shalom from Kitah Dalet 
L'hitraot - We will miss you!   

Stay tuned for the students' blog posts below over the coming weeks. . . 
Kitah Alef in the Israel spirit 

7th Graders say farewell to Kitah Het 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Student Reflections and Trip Summaries

During the trip, students will share reflections on their experiences in written journal entries, which will be posted here on a daily basis.  Check back for regular updates!